The H.E.L.P. Network Podcast

The H.E.L.P. Network is a group of Christians who aim to assist those people suffering in crises with messages of Hope, Encouragement, Love, and Prayer.

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Mutual Encouragement

Wednesday Aug 19, 2020

Wednesday Aug 19, 2020

God created mankind to be in relationship with Him and with one another. One of the purposes of these relationships is for mutual encouragement and never have we needed it as much as today.

God assures us of our hopes

Tuesday Aug 18, 2020

Tuesday Aug 18, 2020

God made an unbreakable oath to assure us that He would do as He promised. He didn't have to do this, but by these two unbreakable things, and oath and the fact that God cannot lie, we have full assurance in the hope that what He promised He will do.

Monday Aug 17, 2020

Hope does not stand alone. In the scripture, we learn that faith, hope, and love abide. These three work together and strengthen one another.

Our hope is in Jesus

Sunday Aug 16, 2020

Sunday Aug 16, 2020

The only true source of hope that exists in the world today is in Jesus Christ. It is only in Jesus that we can receive the gifts, blessings, and protection of God.

Growing in Hope

Saturday Aug 15, 2020

Saturday Aug 15, 2020

If you want to grow in hope and strengthen your hopes for the future, study the scriptures. The words of God were given to us for the purpose of teaching us and building us up in hope.

Friday Aug 14, 2020

As we grow in Jesus Christ and mature as Christians, we are strengthened through endurance and character, which builds hope within us.

Hope is Future Focussed

Thursday Aug 13, 2020

Thursday Aug 13, 2020

The hope we have in Jesus Christ, in fact, ALL hopes are focussed on and in the future. The present may be difficult, but hope leads us to a better future.

Wednesday Aug 12, 2020

Jesus gives us hope because we don't have to do it all ourselves. When we are yoked to Him, He bears the brunt of our load in this world to support, strengthen, guide and help us.

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